Native Cigarettes – Reclaiming Sacred Sacred Tobacco
Native Cigarettes are a unique tobacco product that is grown, produced and crafted by indigenous communities within Canada. These tobacco products differ from commercial cigs in their pricing, packaging and taxation, as well as in their cultural significance to the communities they are sold by. Native cigarettes are a budget-friendly option for smokers and come in many different flavors to meet the tastes of all smoking preferences. Learn More
Across the country, Native communities are grappling with high rates of smoking. And while national health surveys under-sample American Indians, the data shows that these rates are nearly double those of non-native populations.
The Legacy of Native Cigarettes: A Closer Look at Indigenous Smoking Traditions
For years, the tobacco industry used romanticized images of American Indians and Alaska Natives to promote their products, such as chewing tobacco and cigarettes. These marketing tactics not only misappropriated Native culture, but they also reinforced harmful stereotypes about Native people. In particular, the company Natural American Spirit marketed its cigarettes with images of Native Americans wearing traditional headdresses, which contributed to stereotypes about Native people as violent and aggressive.
In a quest to reduce their smoking rates, some tribes are reclaiming sacred traditional tobacco. For example, Kristine Rhodes, a member of the White Earth Nation in Minnesota, started growing Nicotiana rustica, an indigenous species that is shorter and spindlier than its lush-leafed commercial cousin N. tabacum. She and her fellow tribal members are working to convince young people that there is another way to enjoy tobacco.
By reclaiming the plant’s sacred meaning, Rhodes and her peers hope to encourage a more healthful use of tobacco among Natives. They want to shift the focus away from generic anti-smoking advertisements and “just say no to tobacco” messaging, and instead work toward a strategy that embraces traditional tobacco for ceremonial purposes while helping people quit smoking altogether.